SQL Server 2008 Introduction Course

Author: Intellezy

This course introduces the user to SQL Server 2008 and the SQL Server Management Studio. It covers the basics from creating databases and tables, to learning how to query multiple tables. Once those basics are covered, the final exercise is understanding and creating Views and simple Stored Procedures. This course is designed to get the user up and running with SQL Server as quickly as possible.

- Learn and understand how to create Views and simple Stored Procedures
- Learn how to create databases, tables and how to  query multiple tables.

Video Length: 231 Minutes

Keywords: SQL Server 2008, Tim Miles, Server 2008, sql, Intellezy

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SQL Server 2008 Introduction Course

SQL Server 2008 Introduction - Introduction output
SQL Server 2008 Introduction - Chapter 1: What is SQL Server output
SQL Server 2008 Introduction - Chapter 2: Create Database and Tables output
SQL Server 2008 Introduction - Chapter 3: Working Tables output
SQL Server 2008 Introduction - Chapter 4: SELECT Statements output
SQL Server 2008 Introduction - Chapter 5: Multi-Table Queries output
SQL Server 2008 Introduction - Chapter 6: Views and Stored Procedures output
SQL Server 2008 Introduction - Conclusion output

Buy This Course

Price :

$30.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 1628 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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1 $30.00
51 $21.00
101 $18.00
251 $15.00
501 $10.50
1001 $7.50

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