Promoting Health and Wellness in the Workspace (for Managers) - Beginner Course

Author: Intellezy

Wellness programs are more popular than ever. When done correctly, wellness programs give employees incentives, tools, social support, privacy, and strategies to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. This course is designed to help managers and supervisors promote health and wellness among the employees who report to them. We will explore how proper nutrition, activity, stress management, and social support from you as managers can lead to having a happier, more productive work environment.

Keywords: wellness, promoting health and wellness, Health, health safety, workspace, managers

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Promoting Health and Wellness in the Workspace (for Managers) - Beginner Course

Promoting Health and Wellness in the Workspace (for Managers) - Beginner

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Price :

$29.99 ( Per License )

Visited: 151 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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