Microsoft 365 Power BI Desktop - Beginner Course

Author: Intellezy
Modern business reporting demands the ability to visualize data within an organization's business context. Power BI Desktop is Microsoft's premier tool for visualizing data and for creating highly interactive dashboards. This course starts with the basics. Business Intelligence concepts are examined and explained. The process of grooming data for analysis is covered with demonstrations at each step. Connecting to data sources is the first step and this course covers several data sources as examples. Data may live in humble Excel workbooks, SQL databases, or the Power BI Service. Once data sources have been created, data must often be prepared before visualizations can be created. Data must be cleansed, transformed, and shaped before analysis can begin. Power BI Desktop has tools to assist with all these tasks. Each feature is examined and demonstrated. Many visualizations are created in this course. Each type is explained so that students understand why one visualization should be used instead of others. The lesser-used chart types are given extra attention because their value is usually not understood without examples. Created in this course: Tables and Matrices, Text Based visuals, Column Charts, Line Charts, Interactive Legends, Waterfall Charts, Funnel Chars, Scatter Plot Charts complete with motion, Area and Stacked Area Charts are all created. Gauges and KPIs are also created. Finally, the Power BI Service is examined and used to create truly interactive dashboards that may be shared with other users within their organizations.

Keywords: Intellezy, Microsoft 365 Power BI Desktop - Beginner, microsoft, business skills

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Microsoft 365 Power BI Desktop - Beginner Course

Microsoft 365 Power BI Desktop - Beginner
Modern business reporting demands the ability to visualize data within an organization's business context. Power BI Desktop is Microsoft's premier tool for visualizing data and for creating highly interactive dashboards. This course starts with the basics. Business Intelligence concepts are examined and explained. The process of grooming data for analysis is covered with demonstrations at each step. Connecting to data sources is the first step and this course covers several data sources as examples. Data may live in humble Excel workbooks, SQL databases, or the Power BI Service. Once data sources have been created, data must often be prepared before visualizations can be created. Data must be cleansed, transformed, and shaped before analysis can begin. Power BI Desktop has tools to assist with all these tasks. Each feature is examined and demonstrated. Many visualizations are created in this course. Each type is explained so that students understand why one visualization should be used instead of others. The lesser-used chart types are given extra attention because their value is usually not understood without examples. Created in this course: Tables and Matrices, Text Based visuals, Column Charts, Line Charts, Interactive Legends, Waterfall Charts, Funnel Chars, Scatter Plot Charts complete with motion, Area and Stacked Area Charts are all created. Gauges and KPIs are also created. Finally, the Power BI Service is examined and used to create truly interactive dashboards that may be shared with other users within their organizations.

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Price :

$49.99 ( Per License )

Visited: 30 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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