Manager's Role in Developing Talent - Beginner Course

Author: Intellezy

This program is part of the New Management Fundamentals Series. The overall goal of this program is to enable managers to learn a practical approach to developing the talent around them -- with an emphasis on their direct reports. We believe that a fundamental responsibility of managers is to enable employees to reach their full potential at work while ensuring the organization achieves meaningful results. Our talent development process is designed to create a productive work environment that is conducive to personal growth and is grounded in a developmental partnership between a manager and her/his people. This program contains concepts, models, tools, templates and skill building that reflect the current reality managers are facing -- dynamic, fast moving, complex, team-based, and cross-functional. Learners will  complete a series of exercises that will help them put their learning into practice as well as identify future opportunities for their own continued development.


This IAAP-certified counts for 0.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Organizational Communication content area.

Please email with proof of completion to obtain your certificate.

Keywords: Manager's Role in Developing Talent, Management, Manager's Role in Developing Talent Beginner, talent development strategies, Talent Development, building talent, talent development definition, talent development process, talent development framework, talent development jobs, how to develop talent in an organization, develop talent meaning, learning and talent development definition, identifying and developing talent, how to develop talents and skills, how to develop people, developing high potential talent, potential identification, people talent, developing talents, internal talent development, subordinate development, talent management process, developing talent, objectives of talent management, talent building, developing leadership talent, talent management and development strategy, developing your team members, how to develop staff in the workplace, leadership and talent development objectives, IAAP, IAAP Approved, CAP Certification, IAAP CAP Certification, developing people, identifying and nurturing talent, how to manage talent, talent development strategy example, how to become a talent development manager, developing talent and effective teams, how to become a talent manager, types of talent, recognizing talent, assess talent management, talent pool development, steps undertaken to develop your subordinates

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Manager's Role in Developing Talent - Beginner Course

Manager's Role in Developing Talent - Beginner

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Visited: 283 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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