Google Docs - Advanced Course

Author: Intellezy

This is the advanced Google Docs course and expands upon skills learned in the beginning course. In this course, students will work with, create, manage, and customize Styles, and use the Outline view. Students will create and modify bulleted, numbered, and multilevel lists, set tabs, create and format tables, and work with charts. Students will also explore the tools available in Docs including adding bookmarks and hyperlinks, translate text, use voice typing, utilize the Save to Keep feature, and use the collaboration tools.


This IAAP-certified counts for 1 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.

Please email with proof of completion to obtain your certificate.

Keywords: Google Docs - Advanced Course, Google, advanced, Google Docs Advanced, google docs advanced formatting, how to use google docs, google docs advanced tutorial, how to make google docs look pretty, google drive advanced, google docs advanced features, , IAAP, IAAP Approved, CAP Certification, IAAP CAP Certification

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Google Docs - Advanced Course

Google Docs - Advanced

This is the advanced Google Docs course and expands upon skills learned in the beginning course. In this course, students will work with, create, manage, and customize Styles, and use the Outline view. Students will create and modify bulleted, numbered, and multilevel lists, set tabs, create and format tables, and work with charts. Students will also explore the tools available in Docs including adding bookmarks and hyperlinks, translate text, use voice typing, utilize the Save to Keep feature, and use the collaboration tools.

Buy This Course

Price :

$29.99 ( Per License )

Visited: 215 Times

Difficulty: Normal

# Licenses Discounted Price
1 $29.99
51 $20.99
101 $17.99
251 $15.00
501 $10.50
1001 $7.50

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