Effective Interviewing Course

Author: Intellezy

One of the most important decisions a company can make is hiring new employees. Good hiring decisions can make or break teams and can have a direct impact on a company's bottom line.  Additionally, increasing diversity in hiring is about more than simple fair hiring practices.  Research shows diverse teams make faster decisions and are more innovative.  This class is designed to assist managers, supervisors, and HR staff in improving interviewing skills. 


This IAAP-certified counts for 0.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Operational Functions content area.

Please email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion to obtain your certificate.

Keywords: Effective Interviewing, interview, "Effective Interviewing Beginner, interview skills and techniques, interview skills, interviewing tips for interviewers, interview skills training, effective interview techniques, IAAP, IAAP Approved, CAP Certification, IAAP CAP Certification

Effective Interviewing Course

Effective Interviewing

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Price :

$30.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 247 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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